Easter Friday was the day the first phase of Project RAM (14 weeks) was completed. I am now at a healthy weight for a person of my gender and ethnicity - a full 20kg heavier than I was just a year ago.
Over here in Australia, Easter break lasts for a week. I had a blast. It started off with a 2N3D camp organized by the Malaysian Society at Phillip Island. Met heaps of new people, had lots of fun activities. More importantly though, I feel that my self confidence is returning. I cant explain it, but since maintaining a ~2500cal diet, I find that I have a lot more drive to socialize and empathize with others. That said, the social neglect in the gloomiest of times have not left me unmarred. There is still much that needs to be done in the area of people skills.
Got back the following monday. Exhausted. Rested on tuesday. Went for a party at Panorama st with some people I met from camp on Wednesday. Crashed for the night.
Got a parking ticket the next morning. Monash City Council only allows HALF HOUR parking during the day (from 8am)... what a bloody rip off. The street was so clear and broad and empty (it was a dead end street!) that there is no reason to have such restrictions other than to make money. Other city councils (such as Maroondah) are much nicer and are alot more lenient on parking (free in most residential areas with wide roads). To the people who are behind this bastard1zed parking system: I hope that you are disfigured and maimed in an accident, and that your children are born retarded, and that you die a slow painful death, and rot in the seventh layer of hell for eternity.
Friday was the first Lazer Tag event organized by ME! THe final tally was 14 people. If you are reading this, thank you so much for participating. The event was a complete success. Played 3 games on a 6th gen LaserForce system. It was awesome!
The next day, I visited the sand sculpture exhibition down at Frankston beach with the photography club. It feels good to start taking pictures again. Made some new friends and all in all we had a good time. Real heavy dinner at Sofia's before heading back. Still not tired enough. So we went to play pool at Princes. Was back shortly before midnight.
Sunday shall be known as the day of washing. I washed the most clothes I have ever washed before... in addition to a sleeping bag and a windbreaker.
And so the Easter "break" ended. I was more tired after than I was before.
..with no regrets.
Phillip Island Camp - $165
Party at friend's place - $15
Parking ticket the next morning - $60
Lazer Tag - $25
Sand Sculpture Exhibition - $12
Dinner at Sofia's - $15
Pool at Princes - $7
Feeling that my life is back on track... PRICELESS.
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